Sell Internet Business

Eighteen years ago when the founder, Michael Gravel, went to sell an internet business there was no one capable of representing his internet business for sale.  Few understood there was value in intangible assets that generated excellent profits.  Today, iMerge Advisors, as an internet business broker in its 18th year, understands the industry very well and has successfully sold hundreds of internet businesses, ecommerce businesses as well as other internet technology companies with valuations from $1 million on up to $50 million dollars.

Each of our m&a advisors and internet business brokers is not only a prior internet business owner but is extremely passionate about representing you and your business for sale.  iMerge’s methodology always puts the interests of our clients first.  Our advisors take into consideration every aspect of your interests and concerns including company culture, valuation, deal structure, tax, legal, management, and employees.

We welcome the opportunity to put our expertise and knowledge on display and highly encourage you to contact us and compare our confidential complimentary review with other internet business brokers in the industry.

If you have an internet business with profits greater than $500,000 please complete the form above and an advisor will follow up with you shortly?


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